Stolen copy of Leonardo da Vinci painting recovered in Naples 达·芬奇名画摹本失而复得

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  1. auction /???k?n/ v. 拍卖
  2. prosecutor /?pr?s?kju?t?(r)/ n. 公诉人;检察官
  3. sphere /sf??(r)/ n. 球(体)
  A copy of the most expensive painting ever auctioned off has been recovered—and museum officials werent even aware that it had been stolen. A 500?year?old imitation of Leonardo da Vincis religious work Salvator Mundi was discovered squirreled away Jan. 16 in an apartment bedroom in Naples, Italy. Museum staffers were shocked to learn that the painting, believed to have been created by da Vincis student Giacomo Alibrandi, had gone missing. The 36?year?old suspect was arrested in suspicion of receiving stolen goods, said the police.“The painting was found on Saturday thanks to a brilliant and diligent police operation,” Naples prosecutor Giovanni Melillo told Agence France?Presse.
  The artwork is part of the Doma Museum collection at the San Domenico Maggiore Church in Naples, but Melillo stated that museum officials were clueless to the steal because “the room where the painting is kept has not been open for three months” due to the COVID?19 outbreak. As for when the theft was pulled off, no one seems sure but museum officials claimed the painting was in their possession as recently as last January.
  Police are investigating the theft but have noted there was no obvious sign of forced entry into the museum. “It is likely to be true that it was a commissioned theft by an organization working in the international art trade,” said Melillo. The original Salvator Mundi became the most expensive artwork ever sold in 2017, when it was auctioned off for $450 million. The painting shows Jesus Christ with one hand raised while the other holding a glass sphere.
  Fortunately, this painting has finally been located and recovered due to its high artistic value and profound history. This theft is also a good reminder of a future stricter staff supervision and digital monitoring in the museum.
格列佛来到了巫人国,在这里他与历史上著名人物的灵魂对话,他会从中发现什么呢?他还在拉格奈格王国见到一种长生不老人“斯特鲁布鲁格”。他于是思考:长生不老幸福吗?  难词探意  1. magician /m??d???n/ n. 巫师;术士  2. murder /?m??d?(r)/ v. 谋杀;凶杀  Although the Laputans were kind to me, I did not
荷兰鹿特丹默威黑文港的工业和仓储区,坐落着世界上第一个试验性的漂浮奶牛场。这个试验性的漂浮奶牛场承诺减少排放,提高食品安全。  题材 农业 体裁 说明文 文章词数 388 建议用时 6 min  难词探意  1. résumé /?rezjume?/ n. 摘要;梗概;概述  2. reluctant /r??l?kt?nt/ adj. 勉强的;不情愿的  3. brewery /?bru??ri
在纽约的一个网球俱乐部,有一个特别的项目组,项目组的学员也很特别,他们的特别之处在哪里呢?  难词探意  1. impaired /?m?pe?d/ adj. 受损的;有(身体或智力)缺陷的  2. bounce /ba?ns/ v. (使)弹起  3. swing /sw?/ n. 挥动;摆动  4. handicap /?h?ndik?p/ n. 生理缺陷  Court 16, a tenni
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The Sun Also Rises, which was first published in 1926, is one of Nobel Prize?winning author Ernest Hemingways greatest literary achievements. Hemingways unique voice—his economy of language, his manly
积极的生活方式、永远保持自信、勇敢面对新的事物,可能是爱丽丝老奶奶最大的保养秘密。能够在93岁的时候勇敢地尝试一个新的职业领域,这位老奶奶已经是一位人生赢家了。  难词探意  1. fashion /?謖f?覸?蘩n/ n. 时尚;时装业  2. recognize /?謖rek?藜ɡna?奘z/ v. 认出;认可  3. commercial /k?藜?謖m?誻?蘼?蘩l/ n. (电台或电视播
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主题感知·素养解读  《送瘟神》  毛泽东  绿水青山枉自多,华佗无奈小虫何!  千村薜荔人遗矢,万户萧疏鬼唱歌。  坐地日行八萬里,巡天遥看一千河。  牛郎欲问瘟神事,一样悲欢逐逝波。  这首七律《送瘟神》,是毛泽东同志在1958年得知江西省余江县消灭血吸虫病后所作。今天重读这首七律,我们仍能感受到中国人民战胜瘟神、战胜贫穷、战天斗地的壮志豪情。时间过去了六十多年,进入20世纪20年代的第一年,