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  When LeBron James played his first game against Carmelo Anthony, the home opener in his rookie season in 2003, the Cleveland Plain Dealer ran a boxing-style promotional poster with the tag “Rivalry begins tonight!”
  By 2005, every time James and Dwyane Wade played against each other, the game was ticketed for national television.
  The desire to create a genuine duel between James and Kobe Bryant led Nike to create a series of commercials in which the puppet version of each would trash talking each other. Even if the men themselves showed little interest in doing it for real on the court.
  For various reasons, these attempts to generate a rivalry for James failed. But he does have a less-publicized but legitimate rival, in a fierce competition that has been nurtured organically through postseason battles and periods of authentic dislike, genuine bad blood and some hard-won respect.
  When the Eastern Conference finals open tonight, James will play his 19th career playoff game against Boston Celtics future Hall of Famer Paul Pierce. For the 19th time they will likely be each other’s primary defender. For the 19th time there’s probably going to be some hard stares, complaints to the officials about the other and perhaps even a few borderline dirty plays.
  “Oh, we know each other,” James said.“More than any other matchup in the league. We know each other’s likes and dislikes.”
  This is the fourth time in the five-year run of the Celtics’ Big 3 era -- starting when Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen joined Pierce in 2007 --that James will face Boston in the playoffs. The Celtics’ success partially willed James to form a competing triumvirate of his own. After losing in a seven-game series to the Celtics’ newly created super team in 2008, James sat on the podium in Boston and demanded his team make some move to improve its talent level. When his season ended again there in 2010, after a series of Cavs trades failed to produce a title, James proclaimed he and “his team”had a plan in place for his free agency.
  The product of that plan is James’ arrival with the Heat, and they’ll be taking on the Celtics in the playoffs for a second consecutive year.
  "[Pierce] is the closest thing to a rival, if LeBron has one," Wade said. "They make it tough on each other."
  That James felt the need to partner up with Wade and Chris Bosh to compete with the Celtics is a sign of esteem. But the skirmishes between Pierce and James started long before they worked to create their own All-Star teams. At times, it has gotten so personal it has involved family members.
  The closest thing James has ever had to a fight in the NBA came against Pierce, though most may not remember it. It happened way back in 2004, during a preseason game at Ohio State. It took place during Game 2 of the World Series, when the Red Sox were on their way to their first title since 1918 and certainly no one in Boston was paying much attention.
  After things had gotten a little heated the night before during a preseason game between the Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers at①Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut, it boiled over when they played again in Columbus.
  There was already some beef starting between the two from the previous season, James’ first in Cleveland. Pierce had gotten into an in-game trashing talking war with ②Otis Carter.
  After a Pierce hard foul on James, Carter started screaming at Pierce from courtside seats. It was part of the first great JamesPierce battle. James had 37 points that night, the second-highest output of his rookie year. But Pierce ended up scoring 41, burying the Cavs with a series of offensive moves and staring at Carter after each basket in the second half. He told James late in the game he needed to tell Carter to be quiet or he’d go for 50 points. Or at least that is how the story goes.
  It wasn’t the only time Pierce would get into it with a James family member. During the 2008 playoffs, Pierce wrapped up James on a drive to the basket during Game 4 of the conference semifinals in Cleveland. The two spilled into the stands, where Gloria James, LeBron’s mother, got up from her seat and began yelling at Pierce. James famously yelled to his mother to “sit your [blank] down.”
  In that 2004 preseason game at Ohio State, Pierce scored twice in a row on James during the third quarter. On the second hoop, he used a crossover dribble to shake James on the way to the basket and let everyone know he’d just beaten the young kid. James answered with a jumper and then picked Pierce’s pocket and ran to the other end for a dunk.
  Soon after the two got into each other’s faces and were hit with technical fouls. Then Pierce spit toward the Cavs’ bench, for which he was later fined $15,000. But that’s not where the fight almost happened; it was in the dressing room area after the game. The team locker rooms were next to each other and the tempers flared again in the hallway. Pierce’s teammates had to literally carry him away to prevent an altercation.
  The two would eventually call for a truce at the All-Star Game the next year. Since then, their conflicts have all been centered on the floor. The rivalry, however, has only matured.
  “I don’t think it is like or dislike, it is what it is,” Pierce said. “He’s been on some great teams, I’ve been on some great teams and we’ve had to face one another. After awhile it became a mutual respect for the things he’s done in this league and the things I’ve done in this league.”

  During a game in 2006, they had another great battle in a doubleovertime game in Boston. James played 54 minutes, scoring 43 points with 12 rebounds and 11 assists in a Cavs win. That night Pierce did get his 50 points, the first Celtics player to do so since Larry Bird, and drew a foul on James in the final second of regulation to force overtime.
  In the 2008 playoffs, Pierce and James staged several more classic battles. In a pivotal Game 5, James’ 35 points weren’t enough as Pierce scored 29 points and Boston took a 3-2 series lead. After James forced a final game with a supreme performance in Game 6 with 32 points and 12 rebounds, Pierce carried the Celtics to a Game 7 victory. He scored 41 points and the Celtics outlasted James’45-point effort that Sunday afternoon at TD Garden, still ranking as the best head-to-head playoff battle of James’ career.
  “He’s one of the best at his position and I’ve been considered one of the best at my position,” Pierce said. “It’s been a very competitive battle.”
  In the 2010 playoffs, Celtics coach Doc Rivers’ game plan was to have Pierce concentrate on defending James and not to put as much emphasis on his own offense. It was part of an overall strategy to be physical with James and keep him away from the basket. Over the last three games of the series, which the Celtics won to pull the upset against the top-seeded Cavs, Pierce averaged just 14.3 points. But his defense helped the Celtics hold James to averages of just 21.3 points and 34 percent shooting as the spectrum of the series completely changed.
  James finally got his victory over Pierce and the Celtics in 2011 after joining the Heat. In the game that essentially decided the series, Game 4, James and Pierce added another chapter to their rivalry. The Heat won in overtime in Boston, taking a 3-1 series lead (they eventually won in five). With the outcome still in doubt, James had 35 points and 14 rebounds, including the go-ahead basket in overtime. Pierce had 27 points and eight rebounds and made a hoop in the final minute of regulation that ended up forcing overtime.

  Two days later, when James and the Heat closed the series out, he fell to his knee in appreciation of the accomplishment after he scored 10 points in the game’s last two minutes. Playing the Celtics, and their captain Pierce, has in many ways defined this portion of James’ career.
  There might not be a better way to define a rival.
  “We understand how competitive each other are,” James said. “It’s always fun to go up against the best, and he’s one of them.”
6月2日,首届“NBA篮球国度”(NBA NATION)活动在长沙贺龙体育中心正式拉开帷幕。“NBA篮球国度是一项全新的球迷互动巡游活动,它不同于以往任何篮球现场活动。”NBA中国首席执行官舒德伟先生说道,“之后5个多月的活动中,NBA球员或传奇巨星将会出现在现场,中国当红歌手也会加入其中的10站活动,娱体结合,联手向球迷和观众们奉献一场高能量的现场表演。”  受到南方持续阴雨天气的影响,“NBA
在为你隆重推荐这名有着突飞猛进般表现的控卫之前,让我们先把时间调回到停摆期间。  那时的泰·劳森作为“海外拓荒先驱者”加盟了立陶宛球队,他不打算放过任何打球的机会,他对篮球的热爱使自己无法接受遥不可期的等待。  “那个决定不仅达到了我的预期,而且它本身也是一次非常棒的经历。”劳森回忆道,“停摆期间每个人都有自己选择的权利,我觉得去欧洲打球是一次全新的经历,在NBA我们无球可打,但到了欧洲我可以一边
直到讲完自己的曲折故事,伊万·约翰逊才绽放出了笑容。传说他面部缺乏幽默表情的特征果然是真的,而这是可以理解的。毕竟,在听完他的故事后,我们才知道他的艰辛,而这一切都要从亚特兰大老鹰的板凳席上说起。  叫约翰逊的人有很多,可多数NBA球迷恐怕在去年12月之前都没听说过这个“约翰逊”。在赛季初期对阵热火的那场全国直播比赛中,他突然爆发了,他的奋勇、他的肌肉、他的发挥超出了所有人的预期:面对对方的克里斯
从左至右,身高,位置,学校及下赛季将效力的大学。  IsaIah austIn  2.13米,C得州艾灵顿市格瑞  斯预科高中  贝勒大学  shabazz MuhaMMad沙巴兹·穆罕默德  1.98米,SF内华达州拉斯维加斯  市戈尔曼主教高中 UCLA  Kyle anderson凯尔·安德森  2.03米,SF新泽西州泽西市圣  安东尼高中  UCLA  nerlens noel
2009年选秀之夜,韦斯利·马修斯在威斯康辛州麦迪逊高中球馆里挥汗如雨。随着一个又一个新秀被挑选,他等待着,期盼着,希望在下一个瞬间有人打响他的电话,告诉他被选中了。  电话始终安静地躺在那里。  “除了等待,我什么也做不了。”马修斯说道,“我在想,‘嘘……这太难以置信了。’”  三年之后,作为开拓者队的先发得分后卫,马修斯期待着在选秀大会中得到一次“补偿”。开拓者选择马修斯作为球队代表出席今年的
有些事安吉尔·麦考翠或许不会站出来挑明了说,但从她的言谈间你还是能听出来:这位身高1.85米的全能锋将想要成为这个星球最棒的女篮选手。这并非是对她蓝领般敬业态度的过度吹捧,就像我们所看到的那样,她确实已经踏上了海外的赛场,并在那里证明着自己有多出色。  事实上,当我们找到安吉尔时,身处伊斯坦布尔的她刚刚随费内巴切队征战完本赛季的土耳其女篮联赛。“土耳其的观众让我回想起了杜克的球迷,”毕业于路易斯维
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我和约翰·卡利帕里教练的“私交”恐怕要追溯到学生时代。当时我还是一名乔治·华盛顿大学的学生,在对学校篮球队的支持方面,我投入了难以置信的精力。在1993-1997年,我上大学那会儿,我们最大的对手是马萨诸塞大学,而卡利帕里在1988-1996年期间一直是那里的主教练。从白手起家到异军突起,他干得很棒。  总之,我还清楚地记得1995年大西洋A-10赛区四分之一决赛是马萨诸塞对阵圣乔大学,比赛在我们