有备而来 精彩随行——浅谈如何提高备课质量促进课堂教学的有效性

来源 :基础教育论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyzero123
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随着课改的深入发展,新的理念、新的学习方式在我们的课堂生根发芽,课堂上师生间、生生间的平等对话、情感交流、智慧碰撞,让人欣喜,让人赞叹!但欣喜之余,透过冷静地观察,我们也发现课堂中一些低效的现象:有的课堂浅入浅出,如蜻蜓点水;有的课堂不了解学生,师生的思路两张皮,不合拍;有的课堂知识的关键点讲不清,学生好似雾里看花;有的课堂环节处理粗糙,囫囵吞枣……之所以会出现这样的现象,一个 With the deepening of curriculum reform, new ideas and new ways of learning have taken root in our classrooms. The class dialogue between teachers and students, life and family, emotional exchange, wisdom and collision are all welcome. Rejoice, through calm observation, we also found some inefficient classroom phenomenon: some simple and superficial, such as superficial; some classrooms do not understand the students, teachers and students think two pieces of leather, do not fit; Some of the key points of knowledge of the class can not tell, students like foggy flowers; some aspects of the classroom deal with rough, swallowing ... ... The reason why there will be such a phenomenon, a
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