国际标准化组织已经发布了2000版ISO/DIS9000标准草案,并于2000年底正式发布2000版ISO 9000标准;ISO/CASCO、ISO/TC176代表,国际认可论坛(IAF)及其认证机构,工业机构代表和国际审核员培训和注册协会(IATCA)代
The International Organization for Standardization has released the 2000 version of the ISO/DIS9000 draft standard and officially released the 2000 version of the ISO 9000 standard at the end of 2000; representatives of ISO/CASCO, ISO/TC176, the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and its certification bodies, representatives of industrial agencies and International Auditor Training and Registration Association (IATCA)