纵观风云变换、日新月异的PC市场,商用PC一直以来保持着低调平稳的发展态势,似乎略显格格不入。好在新世纪新气象,商用PC今春可谓好戏连台,你方唱罢我方登场,一派精彩分呈、欣欣向荣的热闹景象。在该领域长期位居领先地位的IT行业巨头Compaq与HP公司更是佳品迭出,2000年以来为广大企业用户奉献了多款优秀的商务PC系列。最近,Compaq与HP公司分别隆重推出了Compaq Deskpro EC系列与 HP
Throughout the changing situation, the ever-changing PC market, commercial PC has always maintained a steady low-key development trend, it seems slightly out of tune. Fortunately, in the new century and new atmosphere, the commercial PC can be said to have a good play this spring with the stage. Your party will sing our side, and you will see the spectacular scene of thriving business. Compaq, a leading IT industry giants in the field, is even better than HP. Since 2000, a number of outstanding business PC series have been offered to the majority of corporate users. Most recently, Compaq and HP each unveiled the Compaq Deskpro EC Series and HP