我镇农民利用茭白田天然饵料丰富、肥料足的优势养殖青虾,取得了亩利 1770元的好效益,比常规种植茭白和其它经济作物效益高,是农村发展经济、农业增效、农民增收的一条很好的途径。现将有关情况介绍如下: 1.茭白种植亩播种苗 1300株,在 4月上旬播种完毕。以采摘二季茭
Farmers in our town are able to use the advantages of abundant natural feedstuffs and sufficient fertilizer to cultivate freshwater prawn and achieve a good profit of 1,770 yuan per mu, which is more profitable than the conventional cultivation of tamarisk rice and other cash crops. It is an important measure for rural economic development, agricultural efficiency and farmers’ income increase A good way. The relevant information is as follows: 1. 茭 white planted acres of seed sowing 1300, planted in early April. To pick up two seasons 茭