本文简要介绍中国科学院过程工程所(原化工冶金所)在Internet化学化工信息资源系统挖掘方面正在形成的一个较完整的化学专业信息获取平台,包括:(1)国家科学数字图书馆化学学科信息门户ChIN;(2)网络化学化工专业搜索引擎ChemEngine;(3)化学深层网挖掘工具ChemDB Portal。其中ChIN已经成熟,是国内权威、中国唯一被国际承认的网络化学资源导航系统;ChemEngine是通用搜索引擎技术与化学相关的领域知识相结合形成的化学化工专业搜索引擎,初步测试优于国际具有类似功能的系统:德国的ChemGuide和美国的ChemIndustry。ChemDB Portal则是正在进行的、基于XML对化学深层网数据进行提取和索引方法的研究,这一方法尚未见报道。这些工具可为检索网络化学相关信息提供更方便、更好的专业化解决方案。
This article briefly introduces a complete chemical professional information acquisition platform that is being formed in the process of Internet Chemical and Chemical Information Resource System Mining by the Process Engineering Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (formerly Chemical and Metallurgy Institute), including: (1) The National Science Digital Library Chemical Subject Information Portal ChIN; (2) ChemEngine, a chemical and chemical engineering professional search engine; (3) ChemDB Portal, a chemical deep mining tool. Among them ChIN is mature, is the domestic authority, China is the only internationally recognized network of chemical resources navigation system; ChemEngine is a common search engine technology and chemical-related fields to form a chemical chemical industry professional search engine, the initial test is better than the international similar Functional Systems: ChemGuide in Germany and ChemIndustry in the United States. ChemDB Portal is an ongoing, XML-based method for extracting and indexing deep data from chemical networks, a method that has not been reported. These tools provide more convenient and better specialized solutions for retrieving network chemistry-related information.