绥宁县地处湖南省西南边陲雪峰山南麓与越城岭40 km南山交接地段。属中亚热带湿润季风气候区。东邻洞口,西接会同、怀化,南毗武冈、城步,北界通道、靖县,总面积29 27 km2。辖25个乡(镇),35.4万人。粮食种植总面积2.27万hm2,是典型的山区县。境内气候宜人,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,雨量充沛,无霜期长,气候复杂,素有“一山有四季,
Suining County is located in the southwestern border of Hunan Province, south of Xuefeng Mountain and Yuechengling 40 km Nanshan handover. Is a subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. East of the hole, the same west, Huaihua, south of Wugang, the city step, the northern border channel, Jing County, a total area of 29 27 km2. Jurisdiction over 25 townships (towns), 354000 people. The total area planted with grain is 27,700 hm2, which is a typical mountainous county. The territory of a pleasant climate, no summer heat, no cold winter, abundant rainfall, long frost-free period, the climate is complicated, known as ”a mountain has four seasons,