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周邦彦为北宋词坛巨擘,然因史料缺乏,其生平仕履及游踪所至,尚不能尽得其详,其作品的编年也往往因所据拟测的依据不同而迥异。以还京乐‘禁烟近’为例,孙虹女士《清真集校注》(中华书局二○○二年版)将其订为政和二年(一一一二)二月清真知河中府任。罗忼烈《清真集笺注》(香港三联书店一九八五年版,上海古籍出版社二○○八年据其整理出版)则将其订为‘别庐州、初至荆州之作’时间约在元佑五年版(一○九○)。同一首词,所据不同,编年各异,孰当孰否,颇难勉从。为详其实,兹录此词如下:禁烟近,触处浮香秀色相料理。正泥花时候,奈何客里,光阴虚费。望箭波无际。迎风漾日黄云委。任去远,中有万点相思清泪。到长淮底。过当时楼下,殷勤为说,春来羁旅况味。堪嗟误约乖期,向天涯、自看桃李。想而今、应恨墨盈笺,愁妆照水。怎得青鸾翼,飞归教见憔悴。关于此词创作时地,孙虹考证云:词写‘箭波’,又谓‘黄云’,则非关陕之景莫属。不作于少年游长安,即作于知河中府时。然如前所考,邦彦少年游长安在熙宁七年三月底四月初,‘禁烟近’初入三月之候,与正泥花时候’不侔。政和二年的寒食在三月五日,邦彦二月入陕,正当‘禁烟近’二月之候,亦‘正泥花时候’也。故知必作于河中府时,即政和二年(一一二)二月(参《清真集校注》第一八六至一八七页)。孙虹据‘箭波’、‘黄云’推测此词所写乃关陕之景,再据清真游踪仕履断此词作于政和二年河中府任。 Zhou Bangyan is a great figure in the Northern Song Dynasty. However, due to the lack of historical materials, his life is still not performed well due to his lack of historical materials. The chronology of his works is often very different because of the basis for the test. Taking Beijing Noble’s smoking ban as an example, Ms. Sun Hong set up the Halal School Note (Zhonghua Book Company 2002 Edition) as the government of Halal Zhifu in February and December (January 12). Luo Zhen Lie “Hala Set Note” (Hong Kong Joint Publishing Company 1985 edition, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House according to its finishing press) will be set for ’Do Luzhou, Jingzhou for the first time’ about time in yuan Yau five-year edition (one nine nine). The same premise, according to different, chronological differences, what is right or wrong, quite hard to come by. To be more specific, I hereby record the following words: No smoking near, touch the Department of Hongxiang Sauvignon cuisine. Is mud time, Chennai off, time fee. Hopeless arrow wave. Ying Yang waves on the Yellow Sea Council. Any way to go, there are ten thousand points Acacia clear tears. To the end of long Huai. Downstairs at the time, attentive to say, spring bustle conditions. Can not agree about the wrong period, to the horizon, look Tao Li. Think of it now, Ying Ying Ying Ying, worry makeup makeup according to water. How blue-winged wings, flying to see see gaunt. On the creation of this word, Sun Hong textual research: cloud write ’arrow wave’, also said ’Huang Yun’, the non-related Shanshan King. Do not make juvenile tour Changan, that is, when you know the river house. However, as before, Bangyan juvenile tour Changan in Xining seven years late March early April, ’No smoking near’ into the beginning of March, and is mud time ’unruntable. Politics and two years of cold food On March 5, Bangyan in February into Shaanxi, just as ’no smoking near’ in February, is also ’being muddy time’ also. Therefore, it is to be said that it will be written in the capital of Hohhot, that is, both in politics and two years (January 112) in February (see “Muslim School Notes”, pp. 186-178). Sun Hong According to ’arrow wave’, ’Huang Yun’ speculated that the word is written about the scene of Shaanxi, and then according to the Muslims to track off the word for government and government office in two years River.