患者 48岁 ,住院号 6 0 710。因右下腹持续性疼痛伴恶心呕吐 5天 ,于 1999年 1月 2 0日入院 ,无月经来潮 ,无周期性下腹痛 ,入院前 1个月曾有类似腹痛发作 ,经抗炎治疗后腹痛消失 ,2 5岁结婚 ,性生活“和谐满意” ,无孕产史。 查体 :一般情况好 ,女性体态 ,双侧乳房发育正常
Patient 48 years old, hospital number 6 0 710. Due to persistent pain in the right lower quadrant with nausea and vomiting for 5 days, admitted to hospital on January 20, 1999 with no menstrual cramps, no lower abdominal pain and similar abdominal pain 1 month prior to admission. Abdominal pain disappeared after anti-inflammatory treatment , 25-year-old married, sexual life “harmonious satisfaction”, no history of pregnancy. Physical examination: the general situation is good, female body, bilateral breast development is normal