《大脑中的幽灵,PHANTOMS IN THE BRAIN》,罗马千德郎(V.S.Ramachandran)和桑德拉·布莱克思莉(Sandra Blakeslee)合著,威莲姆·莫罗公司(William Morrow & Company)出版,328页,美金27.00元。人们早已了解,人脑各部位控制人的不同行为。作者罗马千德郎是加州大学的神经科教授,从他的临床研究中,他希望能找到解释,为什么人脑某部位的损伤会引起某种怪异行为的发生。副题为“探索人类心理的神秘”的本书提出,人脑大部分不直接与
PHANTOMS IN THE BRAIN, VSRamachandran and Sandra Blakeslee, published by William Morrow & Company, 328 pages, US $ 27.00. People have long understood that different parts of the human brain control different behaviors. The author Roman Diderot Lang is a professor of neurology at the University of California. From his clinical studies, he hopes to find an explanation as to why a certain part of the brain’s brain can cause some sort of weird behavior. Submitted as “the mystery to explore human psychology,” the book proposed that most of the human brain is not directly related