为了解天津市儿童碘营养状况,按照PPS抽样方法在全市非高碘地区分别选择市区和涉农区县的8~10岁儿童作为调查对象。要求年龄组均衡分布,男女各半,同时采集调查对象尿液、家中食盐。采用B超法,以WS 276—2007《地方性甲状腺肿的诊断标准》判定甲状腺肿大;采用WS/T 107—2006《尿中碘的砷铈催化分光光度测定方法》测定尿碘;采用直接滴定法测定盐碘。
In order to understand the iodine nutrition status of children in Tianjin, the 8-10-year-old children in urban and non-agricultural counties were selected as non-iodine areas in the city according to the PPS sampling method. Requires a balanced distribution of age groups, men and women in half, while collecting the urine of the survey, home salt. Using B-ultra-law to WS 276-2007 “diagnostic criteria for endemic goiter” to determine goiter; using WS / T 107-2006 "urinary iodine arsenic cerium catalytic spectrophotometric determination of urinary iodine; using direct Titrimetric determination of salt iodine.