近年来我国大中型零售企业的发展形势出现了逆转 ,经济效益普遍下降 ,不少企业经营陷入困境。其原因既有自身经营管理不善的问题 ,也有外部环境的问题。使它走出困境的对策是 :寻求新的零售形式 ,科学布局网点 ,开辟农村市场 ;加强宏观调控 ,建立现代企业制度 ,深化经营管理体制的配套改革 ;依靠自身优势 ,进行营销创新 ;强化企业内部管理 ,全面提高企业素质 ,向管理要效益
In recent years, the development situation of large and medium-sized retail enterprises in our country has been reversed, the economic benefits have generally dropped, and many enterprises have run into difficulties. The reasons for both the problems of their own poor management, but also the external environment. The solution to make it out of the woods lies in seeking new forms of retail, scientifically laying out outlets and opening up markets in rural areas; strengthening macroeconomic regulation and control, establishing a modern enterprise system and deepening the reform of the operation and management system; relying on its own advantages for marketing innovation; Management, comprehensively improve the quality of enterprises, to manage to benefit