下班后,骑着自行车回家。半路上,一辆崭新的奔驰小轿车嘎然停在我前面。我刚要绕 过去,从车上下来一位西装革履的男子,我仔细一看,是我高中时的老同学:龙彪。毕竟十多年没见面了,相见格外亲切,一阵寒暄之后,龙彪说这么长时间没见面了,今天要好好地请请我,然后把我带到了我们
After get off work, ride a bike home. Halfway, a brand new Mercedes cougard stopped in front of me. I just want to get around, get down from the car a man in a suit, I look closely, when I was an old high school classmate: Long Biao. After more than ten years have not met, met exceptionally cordial, after a burst of greetings, Long Biao said that for such a long time did not meet, please take me well today, and then took me to us