西洋参在我国大面积引种栽培已有二十多年的历史。西洋参与人参一样都属于忌连作 (重茬 )植物。一般情况下 ,种植一茬西洋参的地不经休闲再连作种植西洋参 ,保苗差、烧须、根病严重、产量低甚至绝收。集安人参研究所 1 999年开始与阳岔参场大胆地在 4年直播下山的西洋参地上 ,
American ginseng has been introduced in large area for more than 20 years in our country. Western participation ginseng belong to avoid continuous cropping (stubble) plant. Under normal circumstances, the planting of a crop of ginseng to leisure and then continue to grow American ginseng, Paul seedlings poor, whisker, severe root cause, low yield or even income. Ji’an Ginseng Institute began in 1999 with the Yang Chai dare to live in the 4-year broadcast of the American ginseng down the mountain,