The reasons in legal practice

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  Extorting confessions by torture is normally generated from legal practice. There are plenty of disadvantages in such illegal conducts, however, the investigation organs and the officers in judicial branch are the most behavior subjects. It’s hard to depart extorting confessions by torture from legal practice. There are mainly five factors in legal practice which have caused extorting confessions by torture.
  (A) The low qualities are the currently urgent situations of public security officers
  Since the establishment of the country, the cultural qualities of the domestic judicial department’s officers are relatively low and the understanding and application of laws and regulations are deficient. Particularly, the judicial department’s ignorance against the laws and regulations has caused abominable influence. Under the modernly commercial development-pattern, the jurists in our country need to handle various cases and the judicial officers have to follow the pace of age since China’s entering into WTO. The analyses of cases are becoming more complicated and precise with the building of normal law school system, the increasing perfection of legal theory and the continuous improvement of legal system. The development of law requires that the jurists have to learn constantly and learn the latest outcome coming from legal research. If there is no systematic training and improvement on the professional qualities of judicial officers, the extorting confessions by torture will exist. Despite the leak of system, the unjust, false and erroneous cases will decrease notably with the improvement of judicial officers’ legal literacy.
  (B) The relatively singe way of collecting evidence which has been caused by the backward equipment and investigative technology
  The investigative technology is a trending topic in current investigation theory and investigation practice. Although the investigative technology has achieved great development resulting from the social progress, we should notice that the method of collecting evidence is relatively single which has been caused by the backward equipment. There are eight forms of evidence included in “Chinese Criminal Procedural Law”:physical evidence; documentary evidence; witness statement; victim statement; confession and defense of a criminal suspect or defendant; expert opinion; transcripts of crime scene investigation, examination, identification, and investigative reenactment; and audio-visual recordings and electronic data. Evidence must be verified before being used as a basis for deciding a case and any evidence obtained from illegal means should be excluded. The evidences obtained from technical means by investigation organ actually are very few and the investigative approaches are highly limited caused by the crimes which have a diversified and specialized tendency.   (C) The subjective pressure caused by homicide cases
  The public security authority lodged a target that ‘homicide case must be solved’ since 2004. The homicide cases usually will generate widespread concerns and the public voices are relatively strong, since there is a statement from our ancient times that life is supreme. The slogan put forward under special background has a positive influence on preventing crimes and punishing crimes, and it has reflected the country’s respect to citizens’ right to life and respect to the judiciary. The public security authority needs to practice the target and slogan advanced by them. Hence, under the huge pressure form society, the investigation organ has to adopt some illegal means like extorting confessions by torture to solve cases. Such slogan has expressed the confidence and resolution of public security authority on punishing crimes and maintaining social order, however, it will also lead to some bad phenomenon, like presumption of guilt, regard entity belittle procedure, extorting confessions by torture and even unjust, false and erroneous cases. he homicide cases have been given priority by public security authority all the time, while the government and superior department usually will pay high attention on it. The subjective stress is very much, since the internal pressure and external pressure both oppress and police officers are forced to work overtime by the deadline on solving cases. Although the whole country has responded to the call, the crime rate is rapidly decreasing, and the whole society has unanimously given praise, the violations of legal procedure frequently occur in solving cases. The author reckons that the slogan, homicide cases must be solved, should become a target instead of an index in assessing ability. If so, the criminal procedure law can perform the functions of punishing crime, suppressing crime, preventing crime and protecting human rights.
  (D) The influence exerted by the management system of current assessment and ranking
  The management system of current assessment and ranking is not fit with development of contemporary situation. The public security authority still considers the amount of cracking down on crimes and solving cases as the most essential index on measuring the work of public security. Various ‘strike-hard campaigns’ and ‘battles’ emerge in endlessly. The superior public security department will assign the targets of cracking down and solving cases to every public security organ involuntarily in annual management assessment and then criticize the organs whose achieved targeted outcomes have fell behind or execute veto power by one ticket in year-end commendation assessment. Meanwhile, the administrative color is relatively strong in order to coordinate the work in political forms, for example, putting forward the slogan that ‘homicide case must be solved’ when the case occurred and building up strict work performance evaluation system. The result of evaluation is linked with merit awards, bonuses, promotion and use of cadres, etc. to inspire public security officers using varied means of achieving the targets of solving cases. It departs from the original background and intention. Nowadays, a brand new reward mechanism should be established and the current assessment and ranking system should be reformed, so as to make the best of everything and give full scope to the talents.   (E) The lack of effective integration of social resources increases the difficulty of obtaining evidence
  The social resources need effective integration and positive social environment in order to establish a solid foundation for judicial development. The serious difficulties of detection and evidence collection on cross-regional crime and floating crime is caused by the lack of sharing mechanism of the information resources within judicial organs and the lack of effective resources connection among bank, telecom and medical treatment in present phrase. There is no sharing channel among the information of public security, procuratorate and court located in the same origin and the communication of information resources among aforementioned organs is mainly based on typical meaning – the acquisition by personnel. That not only has a huge impact on the efficiency of solving cases but increases the difficulties of collecting evidence. There is no productive resources connection among the various police category and the public security organs in various regions within the public security authority. Concerning the inquiry of the track of residence in hotel industry, every police office can only inquire the information resources in its own province, which there is no possibility to inquire the information resources out of its province. Concerning the monitoring resources within the same region, there is no effective integration among different police categories, for example, the security cameras in crossroads and barriers are managed by traffic police department, while the security cameras in residential quarters are managed by local police station and other local branches of bureau. The monitoring resources between such two police categories cannot connect and the procedure of inquiring the security cameras of traffic police is cumbersome. The author has a deep understanding when dealing with a case of intentional injury which required the acquisition of the security cameras in crossroads. Not only the preparation for plenty of textual materials, but the submission to the executive chief of this department step by step in order to obtain signature of certification are required before the inquiry of security cameras. The signature of traffic police’s branched leader need to be obtained in traffic police department and the collection way is still typical personal meaning by investigative personnel. It usually will take a day to prepare these materials. The most cumbersome part is that if the security camera cannot be scanned in one time, the same material need to prepare again when inquiring in the second day. The resources in bank, railway and social insurance are separated and the lack of productive sharing of the information leads to the factitious troubles on solving cases and collecting cases. The connection and integration of various social resources should get attention in later work. After the effective integration of social resources, it can lessen the trouble and time of collecting evidence, promote the judicial efficiency, perfect the legal system, and maintain the procedural justice and substantive justice. The crime rate in society will decrease and the function of preventing crime will be embodied.
  【作者簡介】张秀凯(1991.11.25- ),男,汉族,潍坊人,青岛大学,硕士。
【摘要】以学生为本的视野下进行初中英语阅读教学等相关的教学活动,不仅可以改善当前的教学方式,还可以提升初中学生的自主学习能力。本文根据以学生为本的初中英语阅读教学中存在的问题进行深入分析,并在分析的基础上提出相对应改善初中英语阅读教学的应用策略,为日后初中的英语课堂教学提供有力的参考。  【关键词】学生为本;初中英语阅读教学;应用价值和对策分析  【作者简介】金旭东,浙江省临海市桐峙中学。  一、
【摘要】伴随着新课程改革的深入,教师逐渐的意识到绘本教学对小学英语教学的重要性,通过绘本教学在小学英语中的良好运用,小学英语的教学质量和教学效率都会有所提升。本文在绘本教学含义的基础上,介绍了绘本教学对小学英语教学的重要性及应用现状,最后为绘本教学的发展提出合理的建议。  【关键词】绘本教学;小学英语教学;英语教师  【作者简介】傅文媛,江苏省南京市江宁区淳化中心小学。  在传统的英语教学模式中,
【摘要】目前大学英语课堂教学水平一直无法有效提高,学生们的学习兴趣也十分有限,学生常在课堂上低头做自己的事情,无法深入到英语课堂学习中,甚至产生沉寂现象。大学生英语教师为了提高学生学习兴趣,需要寻找有效的英语学习激活策略,提高学生对英语的学习积极性。  【关键词】高校;英语课堂;沉寂现象;激活策略  【作者简介】岳俊琳(1977-),女,汉族,河南洛阳人,洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部,副教授,硕士,
【摘要】高中英语作为高考中的一大重要项目,所占据的分值大约是五分之一,这也就意味着学生们在学习时必须拿出十二分的努力来学习。并且高中英语所包含的知识点也非常的多。这不仅预示教师们的教学实力要够,并且学生们接受知识的能力也要够。只有双方都有足够的实力,才能够更好的教学英语。  【关键词】高中英语;课堂气氛;教学方法  【作者简介】单玉英,吉林省实验中学英语组。引言  高中英语中的知识点非常的多。就比
【Abstract】In recent years, a great tendency towards the use of video in foreign language teaching classrooms has gained great importance. It is obvious that the use of video is a great help for foreig
【摘要】本文在学科核心素养概念提出的背景下,探讨了以开展高中英语研究性学习活动为载体,在实施跨文化知识相关的课题研究过程中,课题的选择、课题实施以及以学生的实践体验为依托,引导学生立足英语学科知识,联系生活实际,解决实际问题,从跨文化的视角观察和认识世界,有效渗透中外文化知识,逐步培养学生的文化意识。  【关键词】学科核心素养;高中英语;研究性学习;渗透 文化知识  【作者简介】吴香芳,福建连江黄
【摘要】科技英语是英语文体中惯常采用的一种,也是具备翻译特点和自身翻译技巧的应用类型。掌握其特征,对其翻译策略的应用,具有重要的应用研究价值。本研究以科技英语的特点为切入点,以石油专业英语为例,分析了科技英语的特点与翻译误区,并提出了相应的翻译解决对策,以期为科技英语的精准翻译提供可行性借鉴。  【关键词】科技英语;特征;翻译技巧  【作者简介】荆晓燕,胜利油田高级人才培训中心。  随着科技强国政
【摘要】在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,教师要开发和合理利用课程资源,是实施《英语课程标准》的重要组成部分。本文通过案例分析的方法,讨论了单元教学内容、音视频资源、课内外文本、阅读和听说教学四方面的整合设计,为一线初中英语教师提供了课程资源如何整合的设计样例。  【关键词】英语课程;资源整合;英语教学设计  【作者简介】李萍,清华大学附属中学永丰学校。一、引言  通过学习和理解教育部制定的《英语课程标