鲮、麦瑞加拉鲮和露丝塔野鲮隶属鲤形目(Cyprini-form es)鲤科(C yprinidae)中的野鲮亚科(Labeoninae)。这三种鱼类种苗外形相似,仅凭形态上的差别难以区分,而在实际生产、种苗引进及苗种放流时需要进行严格的鉴定。本研究利用PCR-RFLP技术对鲮、麦瑞加拉鲮和露丝塔野鲮进行种
鲮, 麦 麦 麦, 麦 麦 麦 鲮 and 露 塔 野 鲮 鲮 鲮 belonging to the family Cypriniformes (Cyprini-form es) from the Cyprinidae (C yprinidae) 鲮 family 科 subfamily (Labeoninae). The three kinds of fish seedlings are similar in appearance and are indistinguishable solely on the basis of morphological differences. However, rigorous identification is needed in actual production, introduction of seedlings and seed release. In this study, we used the PCR-RFLP technique