西洋参(Panax quinquefolum L.)原产于美国、加拿大等地,具有补气养阴、清火生津的功效。我国早在1784年就从美国进口西洋参。长期以来,一直依赖进口。1948年我国庐山植物园开始小范围引种西洋参,并开花结果,但未建立生产基地,直到1975年10月才开展西洋参的引种驯化工
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolum L.) is native to the United States, Canada and other places and has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, clearing fire, and producing fluid. As early as 1784, China imported American ginseng from the United States. For a long time, it has been dependent on imports. In 1948, China’s Lushan Botanical Garden began to introduce American ginseng in a small area and flowered. However, no production base was established. It was not until October 1975 that the introduction and breeding of American ginseng was started.