湖北省宜都县粮食加工厂是一个只有近百人的小厂,主要加工大米、面粉、面条,并且利用下脚粮(米糠,麦麸等)酿酒。几年来,这个厂酿酒车间的生产断断续续,酒曲消耗量大,出酒率不够稳定。 1981年初,贯彻全国科技档案工作会议精神以后,这个厂腾出一间十五平方米的房间,建起了一个科技案档室,备有档案柜、资料柜各一个,并固定行政管理干部张长春兼职担任
Yidu County, Hubei Province, grain processing plant is only a small factory of nearly 100 people, the main processing rice, flour, noodles, and the use of food (rice bran, wheat bran, etc.) wine. Over the past few years, the production plant brewing workshop intermittent, Jiuqu consumption, wine rate is not stable enough. At the beginning of 1981, following the spirit of the National Conference on Science and Technology Files, the factory made a 15-square-meter room and built a science and technology archives room with one filing cabinet and one data cabinet and a fixed administrative cadre Changchun part-time job