Compared with ordinary housewives in the same village, the redundant women in the rural traditional super-married families often bear not only ordinary roles of “daughter-in-law”, “wife”, “mother” and “woman” Uxorilocal marriage brings many roles such as “daughter”, “female husband”, “female father” and “female man”. The roles of parents, husbands, children, and rural society look different from each other. As a result, the roles and distance between the parents and husbands, children and the rural community are exposed to enormous psychological and physical pressures, thus becoming the “high risk” population in rural areas. The root cause of the redundant multiple roles of the wimp wife lies in the family power. Only when the head of the household approved by the rural community gives birth to young adults, can the wife wife return to the normal role of the housewife and realize the loosening of the role.