主任委员 :石万鹏国家经贸委副主任副主任委员 :闪淳昌国家经贸委安全生产局局长委员 :杨富国家经贸委安全生产局副局长任树奎国家经贸委安全生产局副局长杨又明国家经贸委安全生产局助理巡视员刘铁民国家经贸委安全科学技术研究中心副主任向衍苏国家经贸委安全科学技术研究中
Chairman: Shi Wanpeng Deputy Director of State Economic and Trade Commission Vice chairman: Shan Chunchang State Economic and Trade Commission Secretary for Safety Production Committee: Yang Fu State Economic and Trade Commission deputy director of Bureau of Production Safety Ren Shukui State Economic and Trade Commission Deputy Secretary for Production Safety Yang Youming State Economic and Trade Commission Assistant Inspector Liu Tiemin State Economic and Trade Commission, Deputy Director of Safety Science and Technology Research Center to the State Economic and Trade Commission of Safety Science and Technology Research