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一、殷墟玉器的发现情况殷墟玉器可谓商代玉器的巅峰。唐际根、何毓灵、岳占伟先生在《殷墟玉器的发现与整理》中对殷墟历年发掘所出玉器进行了统计,估算在1928~2000年之间殷墟考古发掘出土商代玉器约在2600件~([1])。2000年以后这一数字还在不断增加。笔者对2000年以后发掘出土且见于报道的殷墟玉器(包括2000年以前发掘而上文未涵盖的材料)进行了不完全统计:1988年发掘的刘家庄北地殷墓共出玉器9件~([2])。 First, the discovery of the Yin Ruins Jade Shangyu jade can be described as the peak of Shang Dynasty jade. Tang Jiageng, He Yuling, Yue Zhanwei in the “discovery and finishing of the Yin Ruins jade” in the Yin Dynasty unearthed jade unearthed in the calendar statistics from 1928 to 2000 estimated archaeological excavations unearthed in Shang Dynasty jade about 2600 pieces ~ ([1 ]). This figure is still increasing after 2000. I unearthed after 2000 and found in the report of the Yin Ruins jade (including excavated before 2000 and did not cover the above material) were incomplete statistics: excavated in 1988 in the northern tomb of Liu Ji Zhuang nine jade ~ ([ 2]).