中国历史上,将权谋诈术玩到了极至的人物,当首推袁世凯。就是这位靠权诈术登上民国大总统宝座的一代奸雄,最终还是落得遭后人唾骂的下场。然而站在历史的侧面,冷眼旁观袁世凯的权诈术,却也不得不令人叹服。 权势叛光绪 1895年,甲午战争失败以后,康有为联合进京会试的1,300余名举人“公车上书”,要求变法维新,深得光绪帝的赞许。这时,36岁的袁世凯从朝鲜回国,在京多方钻营,被
In Chinese history, the trickery trick played to the extreme, when devaluation of Yuan Shikai. This is the generation of malevolent ascendants who rely on extortion and illegality to the throne of the Republic of China. Eventually, they end up being scolded by later generations. However, standing on the historical side, Yuan Shikai sit on the sidelines of the power and fraud, but also had awe-inspiring. In 1895, after the failure of the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, Kang Youwei wrote a book entitled “Bus Letter” to the 1,300 rendezvous delegates to the Beijing trial, demanding that the reform should be revamped and won the praise of Emperor Guangxu. At this time, 36-year-old Yuan Shikai returned from North Korea to work in various quarters in Beijing