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一、簡單情况和存在的問题: 省委秘書處资料室受秘書科領導,保存着省委在工作中所形成的文件材料和全部存檔的黨刊。本機關的檔案工作,在過去這一段工作中,由於領導的重視和資料室同志的努力曾獲得一定成績,這些成績主要是: (一)保管了省委在工作中處理完畢和作爲資料而存檔的文件材料和黨刊,保証了黨的文件材料的不受損失,在保密戰綫上檔案工作是起了相當作用的。 (二)對現有保管的檔案文件和黨刊,作了初步的分類和登記工作,並爲機關工作做到了初步的利用,如半年來我們共借出黨刊一五五本,檔案文件一○○份。雖然檔案文件還沒有被更廣泛的利用,但也足以說明檔案文件在協助領導進行工作的時候,是起了相當作用的。 (3)黨刊做到了妥善的保管和登記工作。 雖然半年來的檔案工作有一定成績,但仍然是存在很多缺點和問題的,有些問題甚至是較嚴重的,在今天的情况下,如果仍然停留在现有的基礎上,不設法改進,則檔案工作將會落後於形勢和工作的需要,更重要的是將會使很多重要文件不能發揮其應有的作用。這些缺點和問題主要表現在以下幾個方面: First, the simple situation and the existing problems: Provincial Information Office of the Secretariat under the leadership of the Secretary, save the provincial party committee formed in the work of the documents and materials and all the archived party. The archives work of this organ has achieved some success in the past period of this work due to the leadership’s attention and the efforts of the comrades in the information room. These achievements are mainly as follows: (1) It has kept the Provincial Party Committee’s work done and archived as materials Of the documents and party journals to ensure that the party’s documents and materials without loss, the file in the security front work has played a considerable role. (2) The preliminary classification and registration of the existing archives and party publications have been made, and preliminary work has been done for the work of the organs. For example, in the past six months, we have totally lent 165 party journals, ○ copies. Although archives have not been used more widely, they also prove that the archives have played a significant role in helping leaders to carry out their work. (3) party magazine has done a proper custody and registration. Although there have been some achievements in archives work in the past six months, there are still many shortcomings and problems. Some problems are even worse. In today’s situation, if we still stay on the existing foundation and do not seek to improve the archives Work will lag behind the needs of the situation and work. More importantly, many important documents will not be able to play its due role. These shortcomings and problems mainly in the following areas:
一、情况: 自中國人民大學檔案專修班學習的同志畢業回來後,根據他們對分局各部、委、綏遠省政府檔案工作情况的了解與檔案科本身的工作情况,我們的檔案工作雖已初步建立,但
<正> 国营大荔农场是在1954年原来陕西省大荔生产农场的基础上扩建的。原有耕地972亩,职工36人,牲畜26头及少数畜力生产工具。1955年扩建后,边建场边生产,耕地面积继有增加,