目的:总结小儿梅克尔憩室内翻病例的超声特征及临床表现,加强对该疾病的认识,提高超声诊断准确率。方法:回顾性分析2019年2月至2020年4月在浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院经超声检查并经手术和病理证实的7例梅克尔憩室内翻患儿的术前超声表现及临床特征。结果:7例患儿术前超声均观察到肠腔内病灶,术前准确诊断6例。7例患儿梅克尔憩室均合并异位组织,合并继发性肠套叠4例。7例患儿中3例以腹痛就诊,3例以血便就诊,1例同时有腹痛和血便表现,所有患儿均采用腹腔镜手术切除。结论:梅克尔憩室内翻罕见,高频超声可清楚显示小儿肠腔内憩室,根据其超声特征可作出较准确的术前诊断,为手术切除提供非常有效的信息。“,”Objective:To summarize the ultrasonographic features and clinical manifestations of inverted Meckel′s diverticulum in children so as to improve the accuracy of ultrasonographic diagnosis.Methods:Seven children with inverted Meckel′s diverticulum confirmed by surgery and pathology who underwent ultrasonography in the Children′s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from February 2019 to April 2020 were included in this study. The preoperative ultrasonographic findings and clinical features of these seven cases were analyzed.Results:Intraluminal lesions were observed by preoperative ultrasound in all 7 children, among which 6 cases were accurately diagnosed preoperatively. All the 7 cases had ectopic tissues in the Meckel′s diverticulum, and 4 cases also had secondary intussusceptions. Three cases went to hospital for abdominal pain, 3 for bloody stools, and 1 for both abdominal pain and bloody stools.The lesions of all the children were resected using laparoscopic surgery.Conclusions:Inverted Meckel′s diverticulum is rare.High-frequency ultrasonography can clearly show the enterocoel diverticulum in children. The ultrasonographic features can facilitate the accurate preoperative diagnosis and provide very effective information for surgical resection.