例1 男,36岁,左下腹可扪及拳大包块,生长迅速,伴乏力、低热、腹部胀痛,于1977年7月初在处(?)手术。因手术困难,未能切除肿瘤,仅取活检,病理诊断为左精原细胞瘤。此后体重下降迅速,伴低热,呈恶病质,于同年7月14日转入我院。体检:慢性病容,营养差,皮肤干燥,心、肺及周身浅淋巴结无异常。体温37.5~38.5℃,律齐,脉搏100~110次/分,血压110/70mmHg,左下腹膨隆呈椭圆形,可触及表面光滑、质地坚硬,约18×22cm的固定肿块。阴囊内左睾丸缺如,右睾丸存在(大小,质地正常)。实验室检查:血、尿常规均正常,HCG42ng%。胸部X线摄片未见转移灶。入院后即开始化疗,口服氮甲,每日200mg,分4
Example 1 Male, 36 years old, the left lower abdomen palpable and large box mass, rapid growth, with fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, at the beginning of July 1977 (?) Surgery. Due to surgical difficulties, failed to remove the tumor, only take biopsy, pathological diagnosis of left seminoma. After weight loss rapidly, with fever, was cachexia, in July 14 the same year into our hospital. Physical examination: Chronic disease, poor nutrition, dry skin, heart, lung and whole body superficial lymph nodes without exception. Body temperature 37.5 ~ 38.5 ℃, law Qi, pulse 100 ~ 110 beats / min, blood pressure 110 / 70mmHg, the left lower abdomen bulge oval, accessible smooth surface, hard texture, about 18 × 22cm fixed mass. Scrotal left testicular absence, right testes exist (size, texture normal). Laboratory tests: blood, urine routine were normal, HCG42ng%. Chest X-ray showed no metastases. After admission to start chemotherapy, oral nitrogen A daily 200mg, 4 points