As the main organ that struggles with violent terrorists, the public security organ should strive to maximize its achievements in the fight against violent terrorist cases. This not only includes the timely detection of cases and the omission of cases, but should fundamentally put the endangerment of violent terrorist cases The consequences are minimized. The lowest of this kind of consequence refers to the smallest social panic, the least mass casualties and the lowest economic loss. In order to achieve this goal, we can not rely on the active detection after the case occurs. Instead, we should pay more attention to timely detection when the case is still in the premeditated stage so as to prevent it from entering a stage of substantive harm. Only in this way can public security benefit be realized in the fight against terrorism Maximize the fight. The detection of violent and terrorist cases that are still in the premeditated stage should mainly focus on the improvement and perfection of the investigation system and the enhancement and innovation in investigation measures.