成立于1967年的加拿大圣力嘉学院(Seneca College)是加拿大最大的公立学院,位于安大略省多伦多市,拥有18个校区,2127名全职教职员工,约2.5万名全日制学生及7万名左右的选读生。该校针对市场需求设立相关课程,用人单位满意率高达95%,78.8%的毕业生能够在6个月内找到对口工作。本刊采访了圣力嘉学院院长大卫·阿格纽(David Agnew)。阿格纽先生自2009年1月起担任圣力嘉学院院长,他凭借丰富的经验推动了圣力嘉学院自营、公共和非营利部门之间的协调与发展。此前,他还是加拿大联合国儿童基金会的总裁兼首席执行官、Digital 4Sight战略咨询公司负责人、安大略省的中央信用社执行副总裁和秘书。在采访中,阿格纽先生提出了学费并非是影响学生择校的首要因素、根据行业需求设置专业课程、职业教育院校的发展定位非常重要等观点。
Founded in 1967, Seneca College is the largest public college in Canada based in Toronto, Ontario with 18 campuses, 2127 full-time faculty, about 25,000 full-time students and about 70,000 Elective students. The school set up courses for market demand, employers satisfaction rate as high as 95%, 78.8% of graduates can find counterparts within 6 months. The magazine interviewed David Agnew, dean of the St. Gallen College. Mr. Agnew has been the dean of the St. Regis Academy since January 2009 and has leveraged his wealth of experience to advance the alignment and development of the San Riccolo Institute’s own, public and non-profit sectors. Previously he was president and CEO of UNICEF Canada, head of Digital 4Sight Strategic Consulting, executive vice president and secretary of the Central Credit Union in Ontario. In the interview, Mr. Agnew proposed that tuition fees should not be the primary factor affecting students’ choice of schools, the setting of specialized courses according to the needs of the industry, and the orientation of the development orientation of vocational education institutions are very important.