二郎山隧道进口施工掘进中 ,采用了自制多功能台架风钻 ,该风钻除了钻眼孔外 ,爆破后的找顶及喷、锚、挂网等也用此台架 ,不影响出碴运输 ,用自制台架比用三臂凿岩台车每延米节省机械人工费用 2 4 .1%。
Erlang Mountain tunnel construction excavation imported, using a self-made multi-functional wind tunnel, the wind drill in addition to drilling the hole, after blasting to find the top and spray, anchor, hanging net also use this bench, does not affect the ballast transport, Compared with the three-arm rock drilling trolley, the self-made bench saves mechanical labor costs by 24.1% per meter.