社区服务促进民调工作 民调工作维护社区安宁——记唐山市路南区友谊街道燕京小区第五调委会唐友燕

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燕京小区第五调委会管辖8栋楼,21个门,329户、1116人。地处大路市场繁华区。在工作中,燕五调委会认真贯彻“调防结合、以防为主”的方针,着眼于预防纠纷,着力于防矛盾激化。注重于发展社区服务,白手起家,从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强。现有固定资产70多万元.年创利润10万元。社区服务有力地推动了民调工作的开展。使各类纠纷逐年减少,实现了十二年无民间纠纷激化,连续多年荣获唐山市、路南区民调工作先进集体称号,93年又被市局申报为省级先进调委会。一.急居民之所急,想居民之所想,办居民之所需,以减少纠纷发生。燕五居委会成立于一九八一年,同年成立调委会。该居委会是震后恢复建设形成较早的居民小区。当300多个家庭一千余口人刚刚从 Yanjing fifth district commission regulating 8 buildings, 21 doors, 329 households, 1116 people. Located in the main road market downtown. At work, the Yanwu Regulatory Commission conscientiously implemented the principle of “combining prevention with prevention and focusing on prevention” and focused on prevention of disputes with a view to intensifying prevention and control of conflicts. Focus on the development of community services, start from scratch, from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong. More than 70 million existing fixed assets. Annual profit of 100,000 yuan. Community service has effectively promoted the development of polls. So that all kinds of disputes year by year reduced to achieve non-civil disputes for 12 years to intensify, for many years won the Tangshan City, Lunan District, the poll work advanced collective title, 93 City Council has again been declared as the provincial advanced committee. One. Urgency Residents are anxious, think the residents think, do the residents need to reduce disputes. Yan Wu neighborhood was established in 1981, the same year the establishment of the Commission. The neighborhood is the resumption of construction after the earthquake to form an earlier residential area. When more than 300 families more than a thousand people just from