Logic and Dimension:The Dominant Expression and Rational Fulcrum of the University's First Clas

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  Abstract: The construction of "Double First Class" University is the important lever of Chinese university, and the first class of Chinese university is an important part of China's rise. Then what kind of class is the first-class of Chinese university? This is a big issue that concerns the future development of China. It can be understood both "metaphysically" and "from concrete aspects" to know the nature of being the first-class for Chinese universities. On the logic of the "metaphysical" level, the expression of creating the world-class university is based on the expression of a kind of value rationality, which is the expression of science, nationality, people's nature, spirit and humanism of university. Nationality is the foundation of the value orientation of the first class university in China; science is the core of the value orientation of the first-class university in China, the affinity to the people is the orientation of the value orientation of the first-class university in China; and the spirit is the essence of the value orientation of the first-class university in China, the humanity is the logical level of expression is: to have sufficient time funds, complete operation mode, effective governance structure, first-class technical skills development and the university's organic unity of supporting follow-up. Two logical level of expression is the dominant expression of the first class university, is the first class university comprehensive cognition. At the "metaphysical" level, the construction of China's first class university includes five dimensions: cultural production capacity, cultural organization ability, cultural expression ability, cultural blending ability and cultural absorption and output capacity of five dimensions to create. From the concrete aspects, the construction of top universities in China needs to follow three marginal points and satisfactory points to construct: the marginal fulcrum of economic development, the marginal fulcrum of political development and the marginal fulcrum of social policy. Two levels of construction to build a good reason for the university's first-class rational fulcrum. Whether from the "metaphysical" logic dimension to the university, or from the "metaphysical" logic level to see the university, are not fast-food type of things, nor is the fast-class university construction thought, at the "metaphysical" level and from the concrete aspects, to eliminate the fast-food effect in the construction of first-class University. The construction of world-class universities is based on the logical level of "metaphysical" and the "concrete aspects" to comb clear the dominant expression and rational fulcrum of university, then to carry out down-to-earth construction toward such expression dimension and rational fulcrum. This is of great value to the creation and construction of world-class universities, the "first class" of universities and the promotion of the development of Chinese universities.
  Keywords: logic; dimension; first-class university; rational fulcrum; expression content
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