
来源 :工业卫生与职业病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ohmysweet
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为了解我国重点制鞋企业工人对职业危害及其防护知识知晓情况,选择辽宁、河北、江苏、广东和北京地区16家制鞋企业进行问卷调查。企业调查结果表明,有机溶剂(主要是苯及其同系物)是制鞋业最为严重的职业病危害因素,其次是粉尘和噪声。通风排毒设施、抽风装置和换气扇的定期检测率均达到90.0%以上,但通风排毒设施和换气扇的相关岗位超标率均超过60.0%。在个人防护用品的选择、配置和管理上,16家制鞋企业均存在不合格方面。提示,企业应规范职业危害防护设施的日常维护、检修与评价制度。个人问卷调查结果表明,制鞋企业劳动者对《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》就职业卫生防护方面的要求认知度存在一定的错误,占10.3%;劳动者对个人防护标准知之甚少,尤其呼吸防护用品相关标准,9.8%的人认为使用的个人防护用品不耐用,有20.0%~30.0%的使用者认为其使用的个人防护用品未达到满意的效果。提示,应加强职业病防治知识的宣传,制鞋企业应建立个人防护用品使用状况的定期评价机制和管理制度,监督管理部门应对个人防护用品使用市场监督管理。 In order to understand the workers in our country’s major footwear enterprises occupational hazards and their knowledge of protection, select 16 shoe-making enterprises in Liaoning, Hebei, Jiangsu, Guangdong and Beijing to conduct questionnaire survey. The results of the business survey show that organic solvents (mainly benzene and its homologues) are the most serious occupational hazards in the footwear industry, followed by dust and noise. Ventilation and detoxification facilities, ventilation devices and ventilators regular detection rate reached 90.0%, but ventilation and detoxification facilities and ventilation fans related posts exceeded the standard rate of 60.0%. Personal protective equipment in the choice, configuration and management, 16 shoe-making enterprises are unqualified. Prompt, enterprises should regulate occupational hazards protection facilities routine maintenance, repair and evaluation system. Personal questionnaire results show that the workers in shoe-making enterprises have certain errors in the recognition of occupational health protection requirements of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Occupational Disease Prevention, accounting for 10.3%. Laborers have little knowledge of personal protection standards, especially Respiratory protection products standards, 9.8% of people think that the use of personal protective equipment is not durable, 20.0% ~ 30.0% of users believe that the use of personal protective equipment did not achieve satisfactory results. Prompted that should be strengthened knowledge of occupational disease prevention publicity, shoe-making enterprises should establish a regular evaluation of the use of personal protective equipment and management system, supervision and management departments should use personal protective equipment market supervision and management.