一、渔场为什么要搞沼气工程如果您是渔场的经营者,有人问您最关心什么?您肯定会不假思索地回答:经济效益! 但是,如果再问,除此之外您还关心什么?那么,您是否会想到与经济效益密切相关的生态循环问题呢? 渔场往往与禽畜场建在一起。这样,一方面禽畜场本身能创造经济效益;另一方面,禽畜粪入池喂鱼,既解决了部分饲料问题,又能消除或减轻粪便造成的环境污染。然而,以往的喂养习惯不够科学。鲜禽畜粪直接入鱼塘,会不同程度地降低塘水的溶解氧浓度和浮游生物数量,破坏鱼塘的生态环境,导致鱼的发病率增高、产量下降等问题,直接影响渔场的经济效益。因此,对渔场来说,建立良性循环是至关重要的
First, the fisheries why you want to engage in biogas projects If you are a fishery operators, some people ask what is most concerned about you? You will certainly answer without hesitation: economic benefits! However, if you ask, in addition you are concerned about what? Then, Do you think of ecological issues that are closely linked to economic benefits? Fisheries are often built together with livestock farms. In this way, on the one hand, the livestock farm itself can create economic benefits; on the other hand, feeding livestock manure into the pond will not only solve part of the feed problem but also eliminate or reduce the environmental pollution caused by the excrement. However, past feeding habits are not scientific enough. Fresh livestock and poultry manure directly into fish ponds will reduce the dissolved oxygen concentration and the plankton quantity of pond water to some extent and destroy the ecological environment of fish ponds, resulting in the increased incidence of fish and the decrease of output, which will directly affect the economic benefits of fisheries . Therefore, establishing a virtuous circle is crucial for fishing grounds