一、范示:十分象人的一个人 李叔同即弘一法师,是中国近代文艺的先驱者。早在1910年,他从日本留学回来,把现代的话剧,油画和钢琴音乐介绍到中国来。他多才多艺,知识广博。除上述三种艺术外,又精书法、金石、文章诗词、作曲——文艺的园地差不多被他走遍了。他对中国文艺界的贡献,不亚于日本的雪舟法师对日本文艺界的贡献。(雪舟法师留学中国,把中国的宋元水墨
First, the demonstration: a very human like a person Uncle Li Hongyi Master, is a pioneer of Chinese modern literature and art. As early as 1910, he returned from studying in Japan and introduced modern drama, oil painting and piano music to China. He is versatile and knowledgeable. In addition to the above three kinds of art, fine calligraphy, stone, essay poetry, composer - literary field almost traveled by him. His contribution to the Chinese literary and art circles is no less than the contribution made by Japan’s Snow Master to Japanese literary and art circles. (Snow Boat Master studying in China, the Chinese Song and Yuan ink