读了《血撼长空》后和本所农村电工进行了讨论,现将大家的感想、意见和建议写给《农村电工》编辑部。 用电付钱,天经地义,我所前几天发生这样一件事。某村没有及时交上电费,所里按规定停了这个村的电,这个村书记来所后大吵大闹、骂骂咧咧。事后所里请乡领导出面处理此事,说是喝多了酒才出现的此事。说得多轻巧。华东六省一市电视春节晚会一则小品《超负荷》,我们变电站的代理副站长张大孬的形象被推上屏幕。电业职工好的形象哪家电台、电视台播放过?我们《农村电工》第3期第9页漫画《咦,怎么拧不进去呢?》,这样的电工必竟是极少数。 在我们的队伍中,象刘志刚、张国荣的事,不止一个,我们应该呼吁:电台、报刊能否大幅、大版地去报道电业职工、农村电工的困难,去宣扬那些为电力事业默默奉献的广大电业职工。我们国家有《法官法》、《水法》
After reading the book “The Bloody Sky”, we discussed with the village’s rural electricians. We will now write our thoughts, opinions, and suggestions to the “Rural Electrician” editorial department. Using electricity to pay money, right and proper, I had such a thing happened a few days ago. A village did not pay the electricity bill in time. The village’s electricity was stopped according to the regulations. After the village secretary came to the office, it was loud and loud. Afterwards, the township leaders were asked to come forward to handle the matter, saying that it was a matter of drinking too much wine. How lightweight it is. At the TV Festival Spring Festival in East China, an act of “Overloading” was held. The image of Deputy Dachang Zhang Daxuan of our substation was pushed onto the screen. What kind of radio and TV station have broadcast good images of electric workers? The cartoon “Oh, how can we avoid screwing in?” is published on the 9th page of our “Rural Electrician”, and this electrician must be a very small number. In our ranks, there are more than one thing like Liu Zhigang and Leslie Cheung. We should appeal to radio stations and newspapers to report on the difficulties of electrical workers and rural electricians in large-scale and large format to publicize those dedication to the power industry. The majority of electrical workers. Our country has the “Judge Law” and “Water Law.”