桐城县的孔城镇,是个鲜为人知的乡村小镇。 93年前,在这里曾诞生了举世闻名的美学家朱光潜先生。他为人民创造精神财富。如今,这里又出了个全国农业劳动模范——为人民创造物质财富的桐城县轴瓦厂厂长汪善祥。几次采访,几次扑空。汪善祥太忙,里里外外,上上下下,象个不停旋转的陀螺。好不容易逮住了他。他没著西装,没打领带,没有现代企业家的时髦风度,却似一个朴实的农民。但他那高大的身躯仿佛钢浇铁打,那宛如炉火映红的宽阔脸膛,却透着聪颖和才智,刚毅和坚强,有着一种不寻常的气质。“你问我读了多少书,嘿嘿,只有五年私垫底子。不过后来,我又确实读了一点书,尤其是挑起轴瓦厂的担子以后。我喜欢读的书中有一本叫《孙子兵法》。”他是个爽快人,思维敏捷,记忆力强,又极善语言表达,一打开话匣子就象蚕儿吐丝似的说个不断。
Kongcheng Tongcheng County, is a little-known rural town. 93 years ago, here was the birth of the world-famous aesthetics expert Zhu Guangqian. He created spiritual wealth for the people. Today, here is a national model of agricultural labor - to create material wealth for the people of Tongcheng County, Wang Shaoxiang plant. Several interviews, several times empty-handed. Wang Shanxiang too busy, inside and outside, up and down, like a spinning top spinning. Finally caught him. He is not wearing a suit, no tie, no modern entrepreneur’s chic style, but like a simple peasant. However, his tall body resembles a steel-and-iron fight, which is like a wide-brimmed cheek, but reveals an unusual temperament with intelligence and intelligence, strength and strength. “You asked me how many books I read, hey, only five years of private foundation, but then I did read a little book, especially after provoking the burden on the mill, and I like to read a book called” Art of War. “” He is a refreshing person, quick thinking, strong memory, and excellent language expression.