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向南先生据乾统七年《梁国太妃墓志》、《千佛塔露盘题记》提出“耶律仁先母亲是汉人”之新说,由此认为王族与后族通婚的契丹原始婚姻制度正在走向瓦解。本文指出,《梁国太妃墓志》所见的“别□耶律氏”为“别諝萧氏”之误;《千佛塔露盘题记》“郑氏”身份目前不可考。所以,耶律仁先之母亲为契丹后族无疑。 According to the new doctrine that “Yelu Ren first mother is a Han Chinese,” according to the “Tomb of the Liang State Tomb,” and “Inscription on the Ancients of the Liangdian Pagoda,” it is believed that the original marriage system between the royal family and the latter family is the original marriage of the Khitan Is moving towards disintegration. This article points out that the identity of “Do not be tyrannical” by Liang Tomb Epitaph is not correct at present. Therefore, Yelu Ren first mother is Khitan later no doubt.
在新课程改革与信息技术发展的潮流下,微型日记这种新型写作教学模式应运而生。通过实践,笔者发现,微型日记能科学、有效地培养学生的写作兴趣与写作习惯,让学生学会表达且乐于表达,轻松度过作文起步关,为今后的写作学习打下扎实的基础。  一、微型日记的作用  1.发现  著名雕塑家罗丹曾说过:“生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”学生习作之所以会产生“无米之炊”的困难,正是因为他们对身边的人、事、物熟