《人民日报》8月13日发表评论员文章:《用革命办法培养医务人员》,全文如下: 能不能用革命的办法,招收有高小或中学文化水平的知识青年,用两三年的时间来培养医务人员呢?完全可能。江西共产主义劳动大学大茅山分校,用自己的实践经
“People’s Daily” published a commentator’s article on August 13: “Using the Revolution to Train Medical Personnel.” The full text is as follows: Can we use revolutionary methods to recruit knowledgeable young people with high or low school or middle school education levels in two to three years? Is it possible to train medical personnel? Jiangxi Maogongshan University of Communism, with its own practice