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天山公路地处高寒高海拔地区,研究区域涵盖了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等多种地质灾害,其中崩塌作为突发灾害,严重影响了公路的正常运营以及人民的生命财产安全。本文根据野外考察与统计分析,选取地形地貌、岩性、坡体结构、地质构造以及气候作为因子对其发育规律以及变形失稳机制进行研究,对沿线崩塌体的失稳模式进行分类,总结出滑移、倾倒、坠落等3种失稳模式。为当地公路部门开展地质灾害防治工作提供科学依据。 The Tianshan Highway is located in the alpine region with high altitude. The study area covers a variety of geological disasters such as landslide, landslide and debris flow. Collapse as a sudden disaster seriously affects the normal operation of the highway and people’s lives and property. Based on the field investigation and statistical analysis, this paper studies the development law and the mechanism of deformation and instability by selecting topography, lithology, slope structure, geological structure and climate as the factors, and classifies the instability modes of the collapsed bodies along the line, Slip, dump, fall, etc. 3 kinds of instability mode. Provide the scientific basis for the local highway departments to carry out geological disaster prevention and control work.
利用SQL Server 2000数据库自身的触发器功能,设计了一种数据实时传输的方式,简化了网络通信模块的程序设计,提高了系统的可扩展性和可维护性。
摘要:该文研制了一种便携式煤矿井下人员检测系统。该系统使用嵌入式数据库SQLite来管理数据,实时采集射频识别卡所发送的信息,上位机对采集的数据处理后可实现对人员的检测和定位。  关键词:SQLite;定位;EVC   中图分类号:TP311文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2011)23-5548-02  Application of SQLite for Staff Position