尊敬的读者、作者朋友: 大家好! 承蒙广大读者、作者的厚爱和支持,《福建农业学报》近年来的办刊得到长足的进步,其中的稿源,尤其是能够反映学科前沿研究成果的创新性稿源呈现不断增加的趋势,使本刊编辑部全体同仁对进一步办好刊物、服务好受众充满信心与期待。为更好地服务广大朋友,经报福建省新闻出版局批准,《福建农业学
Dear Readers, Author Friends: Hello everyone! Thanks to the love and support of readers and authors, “Fujian Journal of Agriculture” has made great strides in recent years. The source of the draft, especially the innovation that can reflect the frontier research achievements of the discipline The source of manuscripts is constantly increasing. All editors in our editorial department are full of confidence and expectation in further improving the quality of publications and serving the audience. To better serve our friends, approved by the Fujian Provincial Press and Publication Bureau, "Fujian Agricultural Science