让·西贝柳斯(Jean Sibelius,1865—1957),芬兰著名音乐家,民族乐派的代表人物。他的成名作是音乐诗《萨加》,最著名作品是交响诗《芬兰颂》(Finlandia hymn),他曾长期在英语国家巡演并获得好评,被称为“芬兰民族之魂”。纪念西贝柳斯的雕塑位于赫尔辛基市。作者是女雕塑家Eila Hilranen,雕塑的主体由600根垂直粘连的钢管组成,长短不一,为类似管风琴的抽象造型。为
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957), a famous Finnish musician, a representative of the nationalist school of music. His famous work is the musical “Saga”, the most famous piece is the symphonic poem “Finlandia” (Finlandiahymn), he has long been touring and gaining acclaim in English-speaking countries, known as the “soul of the Finnish nation.” The sculpture commemorating Sibelius is located in Helsinki. The author is a female sculptor Eila Hilranen, the main body of the sculpture consists of 600 vertically adherent steel tubes of varying lengths and is an abstract shape resembling an organ. for