打造平安坦途 促进经济发展

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今年以来,衡东县交通系统广大党员和干部职工,以县委十届三次会议和全县经济工作会议精神为指针,以“提高优化意识,营造优化环境,落实优惠政策,开展优质服务,再创优异成绩”为目标,积极开展以实践“三个代表”为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动,全面完成了上级下达的交通建设、交通运输、规费征收和交通安全等各项工作目标任务,为促进县域经济持续稳定发展作出了积极贡献。工作中,我们主要抓住了以下三个环节:一、抓好基础设施建设和安全生产工作交通基础设施建设和安全生产始终是交通系统工作的首要环节。为此,我们一是遵循“远、近期相结 Since the beginning of this year, the majority of party members and cadres and workers in the transport system of Hengdong County have taken the third session of the 10th CPC Committee and the spirit of the economic work conference of the county as a guide to ”raise awareness of optimization, create an optimized environment, implement preferential policies and conduct quality service. Achieve outstanding achievements “and actively carry out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members with practice and” three represents “as the main contents, and fully accomplish the tasks of traffic construction, transportation, collection of fees and traffic safety issued by superiors The work objectives and tasks, to promote sustained and stable development of the county economy has made a positive contribution. In our work, we mainly grasp the following three aspects: First, do a good job in infrastructure construction and safety in production Traffic infrastructure and safety in production are always the primary links in the work of the transportation system. To this end, we first follow ”far, the recent phase
姜亚男 1982年1月22日出生,辽宁大连人 1999年12月31日应征入伍 2001年11月25日服满兵役 2001年12月1日进入海航集团乘务队 2004年6月升为乘务长揪着自己的头发长高言语平实,
鄂尔多斯交通征费稽查分局,设有征管科、稽 核科等9个科室,下辖9个交通征费稽查所和3 个交通征费稽查站,现有职工183人,主要从事公 路养路费、公路客运附加费等交通规费的征
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