Patient: Male, 62 years old. Due to diarrhea, constipation, alternating, blood in the stool, left lower abdominal pain in March, according to chronic colitis ineffective treatment, colonoscopy diagnosis of sigmoid colon cancer and income hospital. The general situation is poor, BP14/10kPa, abdomen soft, with tenderness in the left lower quadrant. No rebound pain, no mass. Preoperative chest and liver B-ultrasound and ECG results were normal. Surgery was performed on November 18, 1989. During the operation, there was a 4×5×6 cm mass in the middle segment of the sigmoid colon, and there was adhesion around it. The upper segment of the mass was dilated and showed intestinal obstruction. No lymph nodes around the mass were swollen. There was no sign of metastasis in the liver. The descending segment of the colon, the lower sigmoid, the sigmoid, the upper rectum, and the mesenterium were removed. At the same time, the sigmoid lymph node/left colon lymph node and the lymph nodes around the inferior mesenteric artery were removed. The anastomosis of the upper segment of the descending colon and the rectum was performed. Histopathological examination after the diagnosis of sigmoid colon cancer. Anastomotic fistula was found on the 13th day after operation. He was discharged after treatment and no recurrence occurred during the follow-up period of six months. Discussion; carcinoid is a rare tumor. According to foreign data points