在17英寸、19英寸显示器大行其道的今天,“纯平”概念似乎专门为它们孕育而生,但是15英寸显示器凭借其体积小、价格低廉等特点也拥有很大一部分的客户群,CTX就看准这一市场,推出一款15英寸纯平面显示器——PR500F。 《个人电脑》中国实验室近日对CTXPR500F显示器进行了测试。这款显示器采用阴栅式纯平显像管,其可视面积达到14英寸,带宽为108MHz,具有0.24毫米点距,最高分辨率为1280×102466Hz,在我们经常使用的1024×768的分辨率下,刷新频率最高可达到85Hz,这足以满足日常办公的需要。
Today, the concept of “flat screen” seems to have been born specifically for the 17-inch and 19-inch monitors, but the 15-inch display also has a large customer base due to its small size and low price. This market, introduced a 15-inch flat screen monitor - PR500F. The “PC” China Laboratory recently tested the CTXPR500F display. The display uses a flat-screen video tube grille, its visible area of 14 inches, a bandwidth of 108MHz, with 0.24 mm pitch, the maximum resolution of 1280 × 102466Hz, we often use 1024 × 768 resolution, Refresh frequency up to 85Hz, which is sufficient to meet the needs of the daily office.