1964年周恩来总理对南亚和非洲14国的正式访问,对我国外交关系领域的拓展,起了决定性的巨大推动作用,是新中国外交史上的一道亮丽的彩虹。中国贸促会在中央的统一部署下,也为此做出了自己应有的积极贡献。 周总理的14国之行马里共和国是其中一站。马里是非洲西部地区中最早和我国建立外交关系的国家之一,一直对中国持友好态度,当时的总统凯塔是非洲国家中老一辈比较有资历的民族解放运动领导者之一。在当时的情况下,
Premier Zhou Enlai’s official visit to 14 countries in South Asia and Africa in 1964 played a decisive and huge role in promoting the development of our diplomatic relations and is a bright rainbow in the diplomatic history of New China. Under the unified arrangements of the Central Government, CCPIT has made its due contribution to this end. Premier Zhou’s 14-nation trip to the Republic of Mali is one of the stops. Mali, one of the earliest countries in the western region of Africa to establish diplomatic relations with China, has always maintained a friendly attitude towards China. At that time, President Keita was one of the more elite leaders of the national liberation movement among African countries. In the circumstances at that time,