Blood in the stool is blood in the stool. The most common cause is digestive diseases, but systemic diseases, especially hematological diseases, can also cause blood in the stool. That is, systemic diseases are also found in the digestive tract. Therefore, the reason for judging the blood in the stool should be much broader. Found that hematochezia, we must first analyze the upper gastrointestinal bleeding or lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Because of the etiology did not understand before, we must first stop bleeding, but upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding measures are different. Differentiate the main points from the stool to identify. Looking at the traits of stools also helps to distinguish between the diseases that cause bleeding. Therefore, parents should carefully observe, if necessary, leave part or all of the stool for the doctor to observe, select stool for laboratory tests. Sometimes stool frequency and more dynamic observation, the information helps doctors diagnose the disease. Blood in the stool does not occur alone, and must be accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, hematemesis, fever, etc., plus age characteristics that cause the disease. To analyze many of the above factors can be preliminary