金坛及周边县市近年来又冒出数家盐矿。由于忽视供求关系,竞相开采,目前已导致盐卤销售、运输困难重重。 金坛盐矿自1989年开采以来,为江苏、上海、浙江、安徽等地盐化工产业提供了大量的卤水盐产品。近年来,金坛境内及周边县市乡镇未经认真分析论证,认为盐卤产品“前程无量”。不惜巨额利息集资、贷款,打井采矿,一哄而上,很快造成了盐卤产大于销,供过于求的严峻局势。
Jintan and neighboring counties and cities have emerged several salt mines in recent years. Because of ignoring the relationship between supply and demand, competing for exploitation, it has caused sales and transportation of salt brines to be difficult. Since the Jintan Salt Mine was mined in 1989, it has provided a large amount of brine salt products for the salt chemical industry in Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Anhui. In recent years, the villages and towns in Jintan and surrounding counties and cities have not seriously analyzed and demonstrated that the salt and brine products have “imminent future”. At the same time, huge amounts of interest were raised, loans were raised, and wells were drilled. This quickly led to a severe situation in which the output of salt-bearing production exceeded sales and oversupply.