本月在巴布亚新几内亚的OK Tedi铜矿和英国Rio Tinto公司属下的NorthConcentrator炼铜厂宣布停产、大铜商CODELCO、BHP公司宣布减产计划消息的刺激下,国际金属市场走出了探底回升行情,国际期铜价大幅上扬。受此影响上海期铜价格在十一月份出现了一波较大力度的反弹行情。主力合约0204月初开盘价14080元,最高价15840元,最低价13700元,月末收盘价15680元,较上月上涨1460元。本月铜各合约成交总金额为879.26亿元,
This month the OK Tedi copper mines in Papua New Guinea and the NorthConcentrator copper mills in the United Kingdom Rio Tinto Company announced the closure of production, the big copper merchants CODELCO, BHP announced plans to cut production stimulus, the international metal market out of the bottom rebound , The international copper prices rose sharply. Affected by the Shanghai copper prices in November there was a wave of greater intensity of the rally. The main contract 0204 early opening 14080 yuan, the highest price of 15,840 yuan, the lowest 13,700 yuan, the closing price of 15,680 yuan at the end of the month rose 1460 yuan. The contract value of copper contracts for the month was 87.926 billion yuan,