满汉全席亦称“满汉席”、“满汉筵”、“满汉大席“、“满汉酒席”、“八大件席”、“大烧烤席”或“满汉燕翅绕全席”;是清代中叶兴起的一种气势恢宏、仪典隆重、广集各民族各地区肴馔精华的煌煌大宴。两百多年来,这种以燕窝、鱼翅、烧猪、烤鸭四大件为龙头,以满族烧烤和茶点以及汉族京朝菜和江南菜为主体的特色风味酒筵,流传到南北都会和海外,各式席谱近百种,不少席面的菜式均在100道以上,历来被美食家誉称为“中国古典名席之冠”。 满汉全席的史料,散见于李
Manchurian seats also known as “Manchuria,” “Manchus feast”, “Manchurian seats,” “Manchurian banquet,” “Eight pieces of seats,” “big barbecue seats” or “full Han Yan wings around the seats”; The rise of the Qing Dynasty, a magnificent, ceremonial grand, extensive collection of dishes from all ethnic groups in the magnificent feast. For more than two hundred years, this type of wine feast, featuring bird's nest, shark's fin, roast pork and roast duck as the mainstay, featuring Manchu barbecue and refreshments as well as Han ethnic Beijing cuisine and southern dishes, has spread to the north and south metropolises and overseas. Nearly a hundred kinds of various types of spectrum, many dishes are more than 100 dishes, food has always been known as “the crown of classical Chinese.” Manchu full historical data, scattered in Li