In the five years since the trivalent oral polio vaccine (TOPV) was introduced in Brazil in 1980, the annual incidence of paralytic diseases dropped from 10 to 10 million. However, although as many as 75-80% of children who took 3 or more TOPVs had poliomyelitis outbreaks in 1986 and more than 350 cases of paralysis occurred between February and July, the vast majority of which were caused by the type 3 virus . It is estimated that the low immunization effect of type 3 virus in TOPV is caused by the ratio of different types of viruses, so different vaccines of different formulations are chosen for taking to children. 441 children under 5 years of age who had been treated with 0 to 4 doses of TOPV were randomized into 3 groups. Group 1 received 1 dose of standard TOPV [1, 2 and 3 viruses each contained 10 to 6, 10 to 5, and 3 x 10 to 5 tissue culture infections (TCID_ (50))]; Group 2 oral formulations (3 × 10 ~ 5 TCID_ (50)) and group 3 oral monovalent vaccine (3 × 10 ~ 5 TCID_ (50)). Determination of service-taking and service-taking vaccine